Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What Is Important?

About Brinley --- My Complete CV
Current Projects --- About Acting

Have you ever written a To Do list of all the things you need to get done? You tick off the boxes, but week after week that really important person you had to call, or that very necessary email you had to write and send, is still on that list to be done.

I hear myself say so often: “I’ll leave that till last”, “I’ll do these little things first . . .”. Sound familiar?

Sometimes human nature is strange and we put these little things in the way of our big goals!

Your day is busy and that makes you feel very productive. But you realise that sometimes all this “stuff”, although useful, is actually taking you further away from the important steps you need to take that move you forward! I fall into this trap all the time, so I wanted to bring it up to help others stay focussed.

Ask yourself “What is important?”, find that thing, and do it first – before anything else!!
It makes such a difference!!

Enjoy the possibilities . . .!!!!

Brinley :-)

About Brinley --- My Complete CV --- Current Projects --- About Acting

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